“The quiet words of the wise are more effective than the ranting of a king of fools.” Eccl 9:17 MSG Remember the last time someone offered you meaningful words of advice, and the way the advice was given? In all likelihood, your friend spoke in a calm, thoughtful manner, and because he was gentle, you benefited from his knowledge and experience in a positive way. When you believe your knowledge could help another person or your experience could save him from mistake, share your insight in a kind and affirming way. Sensitive subjects can be awkward and even embarrassing, but consider that your silence could cause greater hurt. Use your wisdom, testimony and lessons learned to lift up others. It is the lovely thing to do. “All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding.” Prov 2:6 CEV Father, grant me wisdom to know when to share my thoughts with others. Put in my mouth words of life and make me a blessing. Shalom!
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