“All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.”John 1:3
Those who fail to live according to God’s word don’t realise that they cannot attain their full potential in life without the power in the word, which created all things in the universe.
It is therefore not surprising that God always emphasises compliance with His word.Genesis 1:2 reveals that before the creative power of God’s word came into action, the earth was shapeless, empty and chaotic.
However, when the omnipotent power of the word was released, the earth took good shape. When God commanded that there should be light, light came into being. Those who live by God’s word do not live in darkness, because Jesus is the Word of God and also the Light of the world.
The light that God’s word gives is available to anyone groping in darkness. Remember, darkness is harmful, and so we need the light of God’s word to illuminate our paths so that we do not stumble or fall in a ditch. Psalm 119:105 says: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Beloved, embrace the infallible word of God today, and it will do you good.
Father, let Your Word be glorified in my life from now on in Jesus’ Name.