God “I will cry to God Most High, Who accomplishes all things on my behalf [for He completes my purpose in His plan].” psalm 57:2 AMP
As we run the race of life, we can be rest assured that He has gone ahead of us. He promised to perfect all that concerns us.
The interesting fact is that God has always been there from the very beginning and understands life more than the wisest person on earth for we only know in part. ( 1 Cor. 13:9).
As we navigate life, we are assured by God's Word which says he will perfect everything that concerns us (Ps. 138:8).
As you maintain your closer walk with God through His son Jesus, your story will lead to perfect praise IJN.
Father, thank you, for Your wisdom in my situation, help me to maintain a close walk with you and let me experience your great glory in all my situations IJN.