May “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
When you need to make a decision as a child of God, here is the most important question to ask yourself: “Is my decision in harmony with God’s Word?”
In your life, you have to decide what’s going to be your ultimate authority.
If you base your life on the latest fashion, you’re always going to be out of date because fashion change every day.
If you base your life on what’s popular, you will struggle because you're building on a shifting foundation!
On the other hand, you can base your life on God’s Word, whose truth never changes. Truth is always true.
It doesn’t matter what the culture says or what is popular at the time. If God says it’s wrong, it’s wrong. It always has been, and it always will be.
If God says it’s right, it will always be right. That is a solid foundation!
”God has set up the universe with certain laws: physical, moral, and spiritual.
God built the universe around those laws because they’re all for your benefit. When you cooperate with the principles in this universe, you succeed.
If you reject, disobey, ignore, and rebel against God’s principles, you’re the one who gets hurt.
With all this in mind, you can be confident when you make your decisions based on the truth of God’s Word.
Father, help me to always base my decision on the truth of your word IJN.